"In Lebanon, I was not considered 'Lebanese' enough because I was of Armenian origin; Armenians did not consider me 'Armenian' enough because I was born in Lebanon. When I settled in Europe, I was not accepted as 'European' because I was not born in Europe.
This experience also shaped my relationship with music. Every note resonated with a longing for a home that doesn't exist, a place where I don't quite belong. But this state of being a 'stranger' gave me the opportunity to discover fascinating music and cultures different from my own tradition, and to add my own voice and multicultural experience to them.
Through my state of being a 'stranger' I discovered that the whole world is my home. Home is an infinite space in my body and soul, where identity is transformed and music becomes a universal language."
Ticket Link https://www.eventim.de/event/ara-malikian-friedrich-ebert-halle-19489812/
Ara Malikian Tour https://www.kinayentertainment.com/event/ara-malikian-berlin-konseri/